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Brand Visual Identity

We create a Brand’s Visual Vocabulary – the unique “alphabet” of design elements – such as shape, color, materials, finish, typography and composition – which communicate a brand’s values and personality through compelling imagery and design style.

Our approach.

As humans, we connect with people who look visually in a certain way, speak and behave in a certain way; mainly due to similarities and their distinctive appeal we tend to connect with them better than many others.

Brands are no different than human beings; using these fundamentals of human analogy, we have developed our own Intelligent DesignTM framework that identifies and selects the set of familiar human behavior and characteristics to create consistent and coherent visual elements such as color, font, shape, form or symbol that strongly convey symbolic meanings and best align with your brand’s values, and qualities that your product has.

What we offer

Not limited to Logo Design alone, Brand Visual Identity covers the Design Language or Visual Vocabulary of a brand, tone of voice, type of vocabulary used in messaging, brand collaterals and brand guidelines that keeps everything in sync to help build an emotional hook and recognition among your consumers.
  • 01
    Brand Logo Creation

    Much the first outward, visual expression to build recognition, we create your logo that is distinctive, usable across formats, high on memorability and universal.

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    Brand Visual Vocabulary

    We create a design language for your brand that you can own, capitalize and scale across formats. This Design language becomes the public face of your business; the “skin” that projects your identity and decides how your consumers perceive your business.

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    Brand Collaterals

    We craft the set of collaterals as per your brand’s requirements, in sync with the Brand Visual Vocabulary

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    Brand Guidelines

    We lay down a strict Style Guide as the primary visual DNA for your Brand. It’s a document that describes and exemplifies how your brand looks like on various media and lays down the Dos and the Don’ts.

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    Brand Architecture

    We structure the roles and strategy of all your brands in alignment with your corporate brand to achieve clarity, efficiency, focus, growth and equity.

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    Brand Extension

    At a time when you decide to launch a new product line outside of the your existing category, we help you with Brand Extension guidelines to use your already established brand name in the new product category. Our goal is that you should effortlessly leverage the available equity that your parent brand holds.

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    Trend Tracking & Brand Audits:

    We use research tactics using Design Thinking methodology to study culture, product, consumer and category for multidimensional insights, which is followed by deeper analysis in terms of trends and audits.

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    Brand Launch Strategy

    To tap your potential consumers at the right time, we help you launch a brand through the right brand messaging to ensure your TG is convinced enough to buy into your products. We custom-build your launch strategy based on your brands goals and objectives.