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Packaging Design

A visually appealing and professional logo creates a positive first impression. It’s often the first visual element that potential customers encounter, influencing their perception of your brand.

Our approach.

Almond is known to be one of the Best Packaging Design Agencies in India. We study consumer behavior and perceptions, build on consumer insights and research extensively on the newer types of product packaging for packaging design innovations. Each product type, color-coding, and representation of key benefits and USP holistically align and gives your brand an edge over competition. That’s the power of Intelligent DesignTM.

What sets us apart?

Sometimes it’s good to have all your eggs in one basket! It’s rather good to go with a specialized design agency, as it is a done-all and know-all alcove of experience when it comes to Packaging Design related needs.

Almond Branding has an in-house packaging and printing studio and is well aware of the printing and prototyping nuances to be considered for a hassle-free pre and postproduction experience. It’s this expertise that makes Almond Branding, the most sought after Packaging Design Agency in India.

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    Packaging Design Graphics

    Packaging Design Graphics We can help you create Packaging Design that can show off your product in the best light, communicate your product’s benefits and catches your audience’s attention within seconds.

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    Packaging Structure

    Whether it’s a carton or bottle structure or a soap shape, we help you create the product design in line with your brand’s defined physique.

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    Visual Architecture

    When you have a range of products, we help you define a structure that can help develop all variants in sync so that the entire range looks belonging to the same family

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    Packaging Mockup Creation

    We help you make a better-informed decision about brand’s newly created or revamped Packaging Design by having an almost equivalent replica on similar substrate mockups.

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    Print Ready Artwork Creation

    After the Packaging Design is finalized, we create print ready Artwork files keeping the printing process and restrictions in mind so that you can directly handover the files to the printer. We ensure what we show on screen is achieved in printing on your packaging.

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    Print Online Supervision

    We provide the value addition of accompanying you to Print Online to supervise the final printing process inorder to achieve the desired results.

We have been doing Packaging Design for years now and the expertise has only been growing. Yet, we love to learn from every new Packaging Design exercise that we undertake. Its this passion that makes us one of the Best Packaging Design Agencies in India.