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We Love Startups!

We at Almond are entrepreneurial and understand the ambitions and challenges of an entrepreneur. Startups might not always need a full course meal but would aspire for greater impact with just the starters.

Bootstrapped or funded, we just love their passion and respect the grit and determination.

Special Packages

We have special packages for Startups, where we can help you right from crafting your Investor presentation, Brand Identity, Brand Positioning, Communication and Content Strategy to launch of your product and brand building thereafter.

These packages are tailor-made to suit your budgets by optimizing deliverables and timelines.

Let's Build Your Brand Together

Over the years, we have worked with several startups and new businesses and helped them create and build their brand over a period of time. We at Almond assure you that you get every penny of your hard earned money’s worth.